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Feng Shui principles are actually “CALCULATIONS” based on the art and science to manage “Physical Forms (luan tou)” and “Invisible Energies (li qi)” to attract and retain positive “living” energy at home or office.

It also emphasize on the importance of enclosing and harnessing the positive energy (not physical wind (Qi) as opposed to the direct interpretation from the classical wisdom).

In today’s context, Feng Shui is basically the interaction and relationship one has with our environment. How one can harness Nature’s external and internal environment for our living benefits. The classical Feng Shui takes advantage of energy [Qi] extracted from the elements of the environment to enhance the quality of an individual’s life by analysing and managing the living environment.

Why feng shui home is important to us

Where a person stays should be compatible with it’s physical environment attributes as the surroundings has a strong influence towards a person’s luck. The physical environmental “FORMS: must be conducive as even if the internal layout is good, it is still handicapped by the environment.

“PHYSICAL FORM attributes”

in Feng Shui

Physical Forms are easy to understand is what we see, touch, feel, hear e.g. buildings, roads, MRTs, expressways, construction, swimming pool, playground etc everyday. Unseen energies are harder to explain there are numerous schools that document the principles of ” li ” and “Qi” , one of the popular school being San Yuan . Therefore Feng Shui actually involves “rationale” & “calculation” to solve issues and not related to religion or superstitious ritual or Chinese customs like rolling of pineapples!

The process involves Interior Design, colours, materials, directions, locations of certain critical elements such as Main Door, position of bed, stove, air-condition etc. Feng Shui helps us to “connect” and harmonise with our surroundings, so as to improve family relationships, health, career, love, wealth, education and happiness for the occupants living or working under the same roof.

Feng shui yin yang principle

The core concept of Feng Shui is the harmonious balancing of Yin and Yang energies within an environment.

Feng shui luck period

There are 2 mainstreams that recommends to make the most of Feng Shui opportunities while is “hot & current”. These 2 schools of Feng Shui divides the time continuum into “Heavenly” and “Earthly ” . Based on “Heavenly” luck calculation we are in Period 8 from 2004 to 2023. Period 9 is from 2024 to 2043. Some minority of Feng Shui master also use “Earthly” luck to calculate the luck period for space-time continuum and the current governing period is “Zhen Gua which is from 1996 to 2016.

Feng Shui origins more than 3000 years ago comprising of the 5 main study areas -Mountain, Medical, Destiny, Physiognomy and Prediction. Feng shui belongs to the category of Physiognomy (Xiang Shu). Physiognomy is a study based on observation, formulas and calculations. The 2 main disciplines of Feng Shui are (1) “Form Schools” and (2) “Qi (unseen energies not Qi) Management” The lists are not meant to be exhaustive, it merely gives you an idea how wide and deep are the teachings of Feng Shui. Hence you are aware that different feng shui master may end up with different on even contrasting feng shui applications for your home or office audit.

The earliest fengshui started with physical observation of the geographical terrain known as the “Forms” theory such as mountains in today’s context are tall buildings, rivers are roads, MRT tracks, expressways. This is easy to understand because it is what we physically see from our naked eyes. The shape, colour, material of objects.

A form of predictions

The nature of “energy” is a dynamic cyclical cycle hence theories like “feng shui flying star” and “qi men dun jia” is able to forecast macro-economies like world events or individual country fortune such as Singapore’s Feng Shui. You can use these Feng Shui models to accurately predict your home/office Feng Shui fortune for various years. A good Feng Shui Master can assess outcomes accurately based on the influence of qi management in home Feng Shui or office feng shui. The forecasting part of feng shui is often neglected or unknown to many fengshui masters today. If you know the types of qi that will affect the environment in certain months of the year, one can prepare for the best or worst of the situation. Making an informed decisions are in fact, part of the greatness of Chinese Authentic Feng Shui applications.

Why we need to calculate Qi or invisible energies in feng shui?

One popular school of Qi management is “San Yuan Xuan Kong Feng Shui 三元玄空风水派” Discipline. The word “Xuan” 玄 represents “Heavenly Timing 天时”, for e.g. we choose an auspicious timing to do certain things. “Kong” 空 represents Space and Sector 空间及方位. Hence the discipline analyse a given space/sector base on a specific time dimension. Classical chinese feng shui wisdom believe in the existence of an invisible life force or energy that permeates the universe. You cannot see it (like radio waves) but it exist in the environment, in things (matter) and in humans. “The universe is a body of qi. Qi has both positive and negative qualities. When qi spreads out, it permeates all things; when it coalesces (spreads out) it becomes nebulous (gaseous or vague). When it settle into form it becomes matter. When it disintegrates it returns to its original state.”

The explanation appear to imply that all things are a body of energy and that energy and matter are the same and the states are interchangeable. Since all things are ‘energies’, the idea that one (the environment) can affect another (mankind) when brought in close proximity makes Feng Shui entirely plausible. Positive Qi is known as Sheng Qi or Living Qi while Negative Qi is called Sha Qi or Killing Qi. In the practice of Feng Shui sheng chi can help improve wealth, heath, relationships etc while Shar chi may cause injury, accident, fire, lawsuit, illness and so on. In today easy understanding, is exercises like Yoga, Tai Chi, chinese martial arts.

 The whole idea of Feng Shui is to position, orientate and layout our homes and workplaces to accumulate and tap on Sheng qi (positive energies) and avoid or minimize Shar (bad) qi (negative energies). Combining the 2 mainstreams of fengshui.

The concept of great feng shui vibes is 山环水抱,藏风聚气 the home feng shui embraced by surrounding buildings and trapping the positive qi or “life-force” energies and tapping into your home. *the article above is to provide an entry level to what feng shui is about.